"Queen Victoria's Keepsake"
This beautiful creation started with a sweet little, ethically sourced Amata Moth.
I have honoured it by setting her wings in an 'old world' style fob setting.
The pendant is crafted from the backing of an antique sterling silver fob watch, and an sterling silver bow, both from the Victorian era; they are my inspiration for this piece. I have enamelled the inside and bordered the watch backing with flakes of genuine 24 carat gold. This all creates the perfect pendant setting for the wings, which have been left natural to showcase their beautiful details.
At the base of the wings is a little gold filigree...just to add a finishing touch, whilst adding more gold reflections.
I secured this under a solid glass cabochon then crowned this regal pendant with the sterling silver bow. More silver has been added with a micro orb border, and to finish off this royal puece I have set it onto a stunning detailed, vintage chain.
These elements have all come together beautifully to create a piece that looks life it has been around for over a hundred years.
Pendant is 4cm x 5cm, and the chain is 60cm.
Queen Victoria's Keepsake will come beautifully boxed and worldwide shipping is available.